Dual programs in China 2024 - 中国  

34 dual programs in China (中国)

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Find out which dual degree program in China is right for your career. Check the schools' profiles for information on MBA courses including study options, tuition, costs, duration and admission requirements. Find programs that follow the international accreditation standards of AACSB, AMBA, or EQUIS.

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Alliance Manchester Business School - The University of Manchester

  • Tongji-Manchester MBA

     Upon successful completion of the program, students will be awarded a MBA degree from Tongji University, a MBA degree from the University of Manchester and a post-graduate diploma from Tongji University.

CEIBS - China Europe International Business School (中欧国际工商学院)

  • CEIBS-Fletcher School MBA/MALD
    Boston, Shanghai

     Program offered in partnership with the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University.

  • CEIBS-Johns Hopkins MBA/MPH
    Shanghai; Baltimore in Maryland, US

     Joint degree program offered in partnership with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

  • MBA/Master of Management in Hospitality
    Shanghai; Ithaca, NY

     Combined degree program offered in conjunction with the School of Hotel Administration at Cornell University.

  • World Executive MBA
    online. Modules in China, Barcelona, New York, Munich

Cornell University - Johnson College of Business

  • Cornell-Tsinghua MBA/FMBA
    75% of the program will be delivered in China (Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen). The remaining 25% of the program will be delivered in New York City and/or Ithaca, NY.

     A dual degree program offered by Johnson at Cornell University and Tsinghua University's PBC School of Finance. Approximatively 75% of the program will be delivered in China in Beijing with some classes in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. The remaining approximate 25% of the program will be delivered in Ithaca, NY and/or New York City.

Fudan University - School of Management (复旦管理学院)

  • IMBA/2nd Degree Programs
    1st year in Shanghai. Second Year in either Cambridge, MA; New Haven, CT; or Toronto

     IMBA students can choose to apply for the MIT Sloan's Master of Science in Management Studies program, the Yale School of Management's Master of Science in Management Studies program, or the Schulich School of Business, York University program.

  • S3 Asia MBA
    Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore

     Program offered in partnership with NUS Business School, Korea University Business School and Fudan University, School of Management. Upon completion of the program, students will be awarded two MBA degrees consisting of their 'home' degree, plus one of the two host degrees based on their own preference. An S3 Asia MBA program certificate signed by three deans from FDSM, KUBS and NUS Business School will also be awarded.

  • 复旦-台大EMBA
    Shanghai, Taipei


IMD Business School

  • IMD-CKGSB Dual Executive MBA
    Online. Modules in Johannesburg, London, Lausanne, Beijing, Shanghai

     Program delivered in partnership with Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business. Students recive an MBA degree from CKGSB and an MBA degree from IMD.


  • Tsinghua-INSEAD Executive MBA
    Beijing (6 weeks), Singapore (3 weeks), Fontainebleau (2 weeks), Abu Dhabi (1 week)

     Program offered in partnership with the Tsinghua University School of Economics & Management (SEM). Students receive two degrees from Tsinghua and INSEAD.

NUS Business School - National University of Singapore

  • S3 Asia MBA
    Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore

     Program offered in partnership with NUS Business School, Korea University Business School and Fudan University, School of Management. Upon completion of the program, students will be awarded two MBA degrees consisting of their 'home' degree, plus one of the two host degrees based on their own preference. An S3 Asia MBA program certificate signed by three deans from FDSM, KUBS and NUS Business School will also be awarded.

Renmin University of China - School of Business (中国人民大学商学院)

  • RBS MBA/Yale Master of Advanced Management
    Shanghai. New Haven in Connecticut

     Dual degree program offered in partnership with Yale School of Management.

Shanghai Jiao Tong University - Antai College of Economics and Management (上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院)

  • China Leaders for Global Operations (中国全球运营领袖项目)

     Program based on on MIT's Leaders for Global Operations Program. Upon successful completion of the program, students earn a SJTU MBA degree, a SJTU Master of Engineering degree, and a MIT Leaders for Global Operations Certificate

  • SJTU-KEDGE Executive MBA (AEMBA)

UNC Kenan-Flager - The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Kenan-Flagler Business School

  • UNC-Tsinghua MBA/Master of Engineering Management
    Beijing, two week residencies at UNC Kenan-Flagler in Chapel Hill

     Classes are taught in Chinese and English with simultaneous translation. Upon completion, students earn a master of engineering management (MEM) from Tsinghua and an MBA from UNC.

Beijing Institute of Technology - School of Management and Economics (北京理工大学管理与经济学院)

  • 双学位项目


    • 北京理工大学授予工商管理硕士学位
    • 美国夏威夷大学商学院通过AACSB国际认证
    • 夏威夷大学授予工商管理硕士学位
    • 在北京理工大学学习一学年
    • 在美国夏威夷大学学习八个月
    • 在美学习期间,组织安排1至2个月的海外企业实习与参访等活动

East China University of Science and Technology - ECUST School of Business (华东理工大学商学院)


     Double degree offered in collaboration with ESCEM School of Business and Management.

ESCEM School of Business and Management

  • ECUST-ESCEM International MBA
    online (blended), Shanghai

     A double degree program in collaboration with ECUST in Shanghai (East China University of Science and Technology). Upon completion, students earn an MBA degree from ECUST and an International MBA degree from ESCEM.

Guanghua School of Management - Peking University (北大光华管理学院)

  • Double MBA Degree Programs
    China & Overseas

     International MBA students can apply for a second MBA degree at partners institutions: McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin; Foster School of Business at the University of Washington; Schulich School of Business at York University; ESSEC Business School; WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management; ESADE Business School, Ramon Llull University; National University of Singapore; Seoul National University; Yonsei University; Hitotsubashi University.

KEDGE Business School

  • SJTU-KEDGE Executive MBA

     A bilingual teaching program. All classes are in Chinese with simultaneous translation in English. Upon successful completion of the program, students receive an MBA degree from Kedge Business School and an MBA degree from Shanghai Jiaotong University.

Korea University Business School (고려대학교 경영대학)

  • S3 Asia MBA
    Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore

     Program offered in partnership with NUS Business School, Korea University Business School and Fudan University, School of Management. Upon completion of the program, students will be awarded two MBA degrees consisting of their 'home' degree, plus one of the two host degrees based on their own preference. An S3 Asia MBA program certificate signed by three deans from FDSM, KUBS and NUS Business School will also be awarded.

Lingnan (University) College - Sun Yat-sen University (中山大学岭南(大学)学院)

  • MBA/MS in Management Studies

     Dual degree program offered in partnership with MIT Sloan.

  • MBA/Master in Management

     Dual degree program offered in partnership with ESCP Europe.

Tianjin University - College of Management & Economics (天津大学管理与经济学部)

  • IMM Global Executive MBA
    Residencies in Tilburg in Netherlands, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago, Budapest, Istanbul, West Lafayette in Indiana, Tianjin, Beijing, Shanghai

     Program jointly offered by Purdue University, FGV in Brazil, Tias in Netherlands, Tianjin University, Central European University in Hungary. Upon completion, students earn an MBA degree from Purdue University and an MBA degree from either TIAS or CEU.

Tongji University - School of Economics and Management (同济大学经济与管理学院)

  • Tongji-Manchester MBA

     Upon successful completion of the program, students will be awarded a MBA degree from Tongji University, a MBA degree from the University of Manchester and a post-graduate diploma from Tongji University.

  • MBA/MSM in Finance from Case Western Reserve University

     Upon successful completion, students will receive a Master of Science in Management – Finance from Case Western Reserve University and an MBA from Tongji University.

  • Tongji EMBA/PDM

Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management - Tsinghua SEM (清华大学经济管理学院)

  • Tsinghua-INSEAD Executive MBA
    Beijing (6 weeks), Singapore (3 weeks), Fontainebleau (2 weeks), Abu Dhabi (1 week)

     Program offered in partnership with INSEAD. Students receive two degrees from Tsinghua and INSEAD.

  • Tsinghua SEM - MIT Sloan MBA/Master of Science in Management Studies