Part-time MBA programs in Oregon 2024  

6 part-time MBA programs in Oregon

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Find out which part-time MBA in Oregon is right for your career. Check the schools' profiles for information on MBA courses including study options, tuition, costs, duration and admission requirements. Find programs that follow the international accreditation standards of AACSB, AMBA, or EQUIS.

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Willamette University - Atkinson Graduate School of Management

  • MBA for Professionals
    Portland, Salem

     Classes meet two weeknights per week, from 6:00-10:00pm at Willamette University's Portland Center in the Pearl District and at the Atkinson Graduate School of Management in Salem.

Oregon State University - College of Business

  • Corvallis MBA

     The program blends a Masters of Accountancy with an MBA and prepares students for careers as Certified Public Accountants (CPAs).

University of Portland - Pamplin School of Business Administration

  • MBA in Nonprofit Management

     Classes meet once a week, Monday through Thursday in the evenings.

  • MBA