KUBS | MBA Programs  

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Korea University Business School

145 Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-701



MBA Programs

Finance MBA

1-year, full-time program


Courses are taught in Korean.

Application fee100,000원
Admission Requirements
  • 4년제 정규대학 졸업자 또는 대학졸업자와 동등한 자격이 있다고 교육부 장관이 인정한 자
  • 해외여행 결격사유가 없는 자
  • 입학원서 1부
  • 대학교 졸업증명서 1부
  • 성적증명서 1부
  • 추천서 1부
  • 사진 2매

Global MBA

1-year, full-time program


Courses are taught in English.

Credits48 credits
Duration10 months
Application feeUSD 100
Admission Requirements
  • Bachelor's degree or equivalents (Master's / Doctor's degree if applicable)
  • A copy of Bachelor's degree or equivalents
  • A copy of official transcript
  • Letter(s) of recommendation
  • Certificate of employment history
  • A copy of official English proficiency test score
  • 3 pictures (3cm x 4cm)
  • Additional Required Documents for International Applicants
    • A copy of bank statement with a minimum of $40,000 USD
    • Agreement to verification of school records Sample
    • Scholarship Application Letter Form
    • A copy of passport
    • A copy of resume

S3 Asia MBA

2-year, full-time program

 Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore

Program offered in partnership with NUS Business School, Korea University Business School and Fudan University, School of Management. Upon completion of the program, students will be awarded two MBA degrees consisting of their 'home' degree, plus one of the two host degrees based on their own preference. An S3 Asia MBA program certificate signed by three deans from FDSM, KUBS and NUS Business School will also be awarded.

Courses are taught in English.

Duration3 semesters
Application fee$100
Admission Requirements
  • A bachelor's degree or equivalents (Master's Doctor's degree if applicable)
  • 2-years of full-time work experience (postgraduate ~ prior to admission)
  • Official transcript
  • Letter(s) of recommendation
  • Letter(s) of Certificate of employment history
  • Resume (in English)
  • Copy of passport
  • Copy of official English proficiency test score (IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, GMAT, GRE etc.)
  • 1 picture (3x4 or passport size)
  • Bank statement with a minimum of $40,000 USD (for Korean VISA)
  • Agreement to verification of school records

Korea MBA

Part-time program


봄·가을 학기제로 구성되어 있으며 한 학기는 16주로 구성. 강의는 월~금요일 저녁 7시~9시 45분까지 이루어짐.

Courses are taught in Korean.

Specialization인사조직, 회계학, 재무학, 마케팅, 국제경영, LSOM, MIS, 전략
Admission Requirements
  • 국내외 4년제 정규대학 졸업자
  • 현재 재직중인자
  • 영어면접
  • 필수 제출서류 입학원서 1부
  • 대학교(원) 졸업증명서 또는 졸업예정증명서 1부
  • 대학교(원) 성적증명서 1부
  • 추천서 1부
  • 재직 또는 경력증명서(재직기간 명시) 1부
  • 총 경력년수 증명을 위하여 전직장 경력증명서도 함께 제출
  • 각 지원자의 소속회사 소개서(A4 1장분량, 연 매출액/종업원수를 포함한 자유양식) 1부
  • 선택 제출서류

Executive MBA

Part-time program


정규수업 : 금요일 15:00-19:00(4시간) / 토요일 09:00-18:00(8시간)
영어(선택) : 금요일 10:00-15:00(4시간)

Courses are taught in Korean.

Application fee100,000원
Admission Requirements
  • 국내외 4년제 정규대학 졸업(예정)자
  • 만 10년 이상의 직장근무자
  • 기업 및 기관에 재직 중인 중견간부 이상 혹은 개인 사업자
  • 재직기업의 학업동의서 제출자
  • 입학원서 1부
  • 대학교(원) 졸업(예정)증명서 1부
  • 대학교(원) 성적증명서 1부
  • 재직 · 경력증명서 1부
  • 추천서 1부
  • 학업동의서 1부
  • 소속 회사소개서 1부

S3 Asia MBA

Dual program

 Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore

Program offered in partnership with NUS Business School, Korea University Business School and Fudan University, School of Management. Upon completion of the program, students will be awarded two MBA degrees consisting of their 'home' degree, plus one of the two host degrees based on their own preference. An S3 Asia MBA program certificate signed by three deans from FDSM, KUBS and NUS Business School will also be awarded.

Courses are taught in English.

Duration3 semesters
Application fee$100
Admission Requirements
  • A bachelor's degree or equivalents (Master's Doctor's degree if applicable)
  • 2-years of full-time work experience (postgraduate ~ prior to admission)
  • Official transcript
  • Letter(s) of recommendation
  • Letter(s) of Certificate of employment history
  • Resume (in English)
  • Copy of passport
  • Copy of official English proficiency test score (IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, GMAT, GRE etc.)
  • 1 picture (3x4 or passport size)
  • Bank statement with a minimum of $40,000 USD (for Korean VISA)
  • Agreement to verification of school records